Our Mission

Our Mission is to help change the cycle of poverty into a New Life Cycle of Hope; empowering individuals and families with opportunities for the furtherance of Education, access to Urgent Medical Care and skills needed to affect life change within their communities.

What We’re Doing

We are working to promote life change in the east African country of Kenya. We are operational in the town of Oyugis and the surrounding area. Our programs provide resources and hope to those caught in the cycle of poverty.

“Olalo” means bridge in Luo.
We are Bridging Kenyans to Education, Healthcare and Life Change.

Current Projects

  • Urgent Medical - Providing access to a medical fund for urgent care to those who can’t get help due to their poverty.

  • Education - Providing funds for children to continue their education through Secondary School - grades 9-12

  • COVID-19 Relief - Providing Food and Rental assistance to those impacted and suffering the effects of COVID-19.

  • Orphan Care - Assisting those raising children other than their own with support for food, clothing, medical, education and basic needs.

  • Operating a community-based computer lab offering trainings from basic keyboarding classes to the Microsoft Office Suite

  • Partnering with others to enhance life change for individuals, families, and communities by supplying basic needs, recreational supplies and other commodities needed to effect positive change

  • Facilitating financial and tangible assistance to promote these life changes