And The Letters Came Back....

And the letters came back……… In early May, Olalo sent 16 letters to Oyugis…one to every sponsored student that is supported through Olalo of Hope-Kenya. By mid-July, 16 letters arrived back in Oregon...actually, 17. One student wrote specifically to his sponsor who faithfully contributes each month toward his education, and another letter to Olalo of Hope-Kenya as the organization that facilitates the program.

Every student responded back with warm greetings and a sincere thankfulness for the opportunity for an education and renewed hope for life change.

Many of the letters touched our hearts...sometimes with laughter and sometimes with tears.

Kids expressed great thankfulness that Olalo enabled them to attend school. Some explained how they were the first in their family to attend Secondary School, with 5 to 7 older siblings who didn’t have the opportunity for school past primary grades due to the lack of money. Others were orphaned and being raised by extended family members who didn’t have the funds to pay for their education. Others were just without any resources at all.

I often find that as I read about other non-profits doing wonderful work in Africa around educational needs, it’s easy to get discouraged when I read about them supporting hundreds, even thousands of kids through school...and here we are……at 16.

But then I’m reminded of three things….

First, those other non-profits have been around for many years; Olalo has been around for less than two. In 2013 our supporters enabled us to send six kids to school; in 2014 we’ve increased – more than doubled - to 16. That’s pretty good!

Second, while reading through the letters from our students, I’m reminded of how blessed we are to be able to invest in the lives of children in Oyugis, Kenya…kids who once had no hope of an education past primary school are now working for life change with dreams of a better future.

And third, though last, but most assuredly not least, AND foremost is the fact that God is in control. He has blessed Olalo through our many supporters and sponsors to be able to begin life change for 16 children in Oyugis, Kenya, Africa, through an education opportunity beyond primary school.

So there is no need for discouragement.  I can trust and rest assured knowing that in 2015, we’ll be exactly where we’re supposed to be!

Nyasaye Ogwedhi!
